Nodelyze BETA v0.8

Legal Notice

DirectorValentin BOUVAREL (Valbou)
Address235 Chemin de Donat, 38160 SAINT PIERRE DE CHERENNES - France
SIREN830 741 823 R.C.S. GRENOBLE

Website hosted by Orange SA : 111, quai du Président Roosevelt, CS 70222, 92449 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX CEDEX - France.
RCS Nanterre 380 129 866.

Image from Moondance by Pixabay


  1. Purpose

    The purpose of the present Terms and Conditions of Use (TCU) is to ascertain the usage conditions for Nodelyze services made available to users and advertisers through the website.
    The conditions for advertisers to access paid services are established in the terms and conditions of sale.

  2. Service Description

    The Terms and Conditions of Use apply to all users and resellers.
    By accessing and using the Nodelyze service through the Website, all users and resellers declare that they are aware of the present Terms and Conditions of Use, and that they expressly accept them without any reservation and/or modification of any nature whatsoever.
    The present TCU are thus completely actionable upon users and resellers. Each new Website use implies the acceptance of the latest TCU version.

    All users and resellers certify their awareness that they will require Internet access provided by the ISP of their choice, at their own cost and responsibility, to access the Entrepairs Services, and they acknowledge that:

    • The reliability of transmissions may not be ensured, notably due to the disparate nature of infrastructures and networks through which it passes, and, in particular, due to any outage or overload that may occur;
    • It is the user and reseller responsibility to adopt any measures judged appropriate to ensure the safety of their own devices and data, whether software-related or otherwise, and particularly as concerns contamination by viruses and/or intrusion attempts that it may be the victim of;
    • Any device connected to the Website is and shall remain the user and reseller sole responsibility. PARTEQUIP's liability may not be incurred for any direct or indirect damages that may occur as a result of connecting to the Website.

    Where appropriate, users and resellers agrees to comply with and maintain the confidentiality of all Login Credentials to its Client Space, and expressly acknowledges that any connection to its Client Space, as well as the transmission of data from its Client Space, shall be deemed to have been carried out by the user.
    Any loss, diversion or usage of Login Credentials, and any potential consequence of such, shall be the user's sole and complete responsibility.
    The usage of Nodelyze is under responsability of the user and reseller. We decline all responsability for any direct or indirect damage or right infringement possibly arising from the use of our Website.

  3. Virtual Currency

    Nodies is a local and virtual currency and cannot be converted or transfered to any other legal currency or Nodelyze account.
    The user Nodies counter of an account is reset and definitely lost 12 month after the last payment record for this account on Nodelyze, and without any refound.
    The user can buy Nodies by payment facilities fournished by our payment partners.

  4. Miscellaneous

    The present TCS are applicable as of September 1, 2023. PARTEQUIP reserves the right to modify in whole or in part the TCS at any time.
    Any claim must be addressed to PARTEQUIP. The TCS are governed by French law.